
How it works: the library is composed of 2 major parts:

  • The sealers. They return a class that implements a container according the given specification (list of field names and default values).
  • The factory. A metaclass that implements attribute/item access, so you can do Fields.a.b.c. On each getattr/getitem it returns a new instance with the new state. Its __new__ method takes extra arguments to store the contruction state and it works in two ways:
    • Construction phase (there are no bases). Make new instances of the Factory with new state.
    • Usage phase. When subclassed (there are bases) it will use the sealer to return the final class.
fields.factory(sealer, **sealer_options)[source]

Create a factory that will produce a class using the given sealer.

  • sealer (func) – A function that takes fields, defaults as arguments, where:
    • fields (list): A list with all the field names in the declared order.
    • defaults (dict): A dict with all the defaults.
  • sealer_options – Optional keyword arguments passed to sealer.

A class on which you can do .field1.field2.field3…. When it’s subclassed it “seals”, and whatever the sealer returned for the given fields is used as the baseclass.


>>> def sealer(fields, defaults):
...     print("Creating class with:")
...     print("  fields = {0}".format(fields))
...     print("  defaults = {0}".format(defaults))
...     return object
>>> Fields = factory(sealer)
>>> class Foo([1].ipsum[2]):
...     pass
Creating class with:
  fields = ['foo', 'bar', 'lorem', 'ipsum']
  defaults = OrderedDict([('lorem', 1), ('ipsum', 2)])
>>> Foo
<class '...Foo'>
>>> Foo.__bases__
(<... 'object'>,)

fields.class_sealer(fields, defaults, base=<class 'fields.__base__'>, make_init_func=<function make_init_func>, initializer=True, comparable=True, printable=True, convertible=False, pass_kwargs=False)[source]

This sealer makes a normal container class. It’s mutable and supports arguments with default values.

fields.slots_class_sealer(fields, defaults)[source]

This sealer makes a container class that uses __slots__ (it uses class_sealer() internally).

The resulting class has a metaclass that forcibly sets __slots__ on subclasses.

fields.tuple_sealer(fields, defaults)[source]

This sealer returns an equivalent of a namedtuple.

class fields.Namespace(**kwargs)[source]

A backport of Python 3.3’s types.SimpleNamespace.

class fields.Fields

Container class generator. The resulting class will implement __repr__, __init__, __eq__, __ne__, __lt__, __gt__, __le__, __ge__ and __hash__.


class Foobar(
class fields.BareFields

Container class generator. The resulting class will implement __init__.


class Foobar(
class fields.PrintableMixin

Container class generator. The resulting class will implement __repr__.


class Foobar(
    # we need to have the `foo` and `bar` attributes
    foo = None
    bar = None
class fields.ComparableMixin

Container class generator. The resulting class will implement __eq__, __ne__, __lt__, __gt__, __le__, __ge__ and __hash__.


class Foobar(,
    A class that only compares on `name` but has an `extra` field.